Credit Repair

Lines of credit are necessary for every business to maintain cashflow as they expand with new equipment or new locations. Individuals need loans to buy homes or cars, or for a host of other reasons. A poor credit history can severely inhibit a business’s ability to operate and grow, and it can stop individuals from making big purchases or big life decisions.
If your low credit score is inhibiting you or your business from moving forward financially, BookkeepingNYC can help. We can advise you and provide strategies to manage and repair your credit.

With Credit Repair Services, We Can:

  • Manage Your Existing Credit
  • Increase Your Credit Card Score To Increase Accessibility To Funds

Trusted Advice To Support Your Business

Our advisors have a wealth of knowledge, gained through years of experience in bookkeeping and accounting, to provide your business with the financial support you need to grow. Our team comprises business owners, former ATO auditors and professionals from diverse tax environments to ensure we deliver the most relevant and beneficial tax advice for your business.

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